How to Choose a Topic

by Fran Geiger Joslin

A friend of mine feels the Lord nudging her to write. Her question to me? “How do you figure out what to write about?”

When just dipping your toe into the writing waters, begin with a topic you already know. Writing about something familiar to you eliminates the need for research. You can trust your own information.

Also, write about what ignites your passion. Your writing will begin with one leg up if you feel fiery passion for the topic. The passion will naturally rise to the occasion if you draw on your fury, hunger, or obsession, for example.

Next, write a short, simple outline. Don’t try to flesh it out yet. Start by writing a sentence and then a paragraph. Flesh out your outline. Now complete a first draft, making the effort to enhance your wording, grammar, and reading level. Consider your audience and your purpose.

Another consideration  comes when you write for any purpose other than for yourself. In that instance, you must think about what other people find interesting or possibly what your boss asks you to write. This can prove a little tricky because you may not know anything about the topic, and it may not spark any passion. In that case, challenge yourself to great writing even if the topic feels a little mundane. Great wording goes a long way.

How does one accomplish “great wording,” you ask? Active words, words that draw vivid pictures in the mind, and words that grab attention all work together to create a beautiful masterpiece. Use your thesaurus to help you find imaginative words. It’s not cheating. It’s being resourceful.

Enjoy the process and open your mind to learning. Your readers will thank you.

2 thoughts on “How to Choose a Topic”

  1. What a great read! Thank you for sharing. It is super insightful. This provides a good platform to pushing off.

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