Marriage Lesson 3: The Imperfect Gift (Genesis 2:18-23)
Lesson 3 of the Hope for Marriage Series: The Imperfect Gift.
Lesson 3 of the Hope for Marriage Series: The Imperfect Gift.
Scripture Notes on Jesus’ plea with the Father to take away “this cup” (in the Garden of Gethsemane); Grief; Hebrews 5
Chart; process of looking at the scripture and turning it into a teaching lesson; visual diagram
Types of writing used in the Old Testament (genre = type/category; literary = writing)
Rebecca Schemes to get Jacob Blessed; Bible translation including theme, theology, and big idea.
Isaac Schemes to Bless Esau; Bible translation including theme, theology, and big idea.
Birth of Esau and Jacob; Bible translation including theme, theology, and big idea.