Between the Lines of ABH

Part 2:  Happy Ending by Nicole Geiger

The moments that define us as believers often start with us staring at the sky asking “What could you possibly be doing, God?” Nobody gets an easy ride in this life. In fact, we are promised pain and struggle. There is nothing more human than to feel, but how do we trust the Lord’s plan when we feel as though he ripped a part of ourselves away? 

            In 2012 Howard Joslin partnered with a small publishing company to put his book Honest Wrestling into print. He narrates the process of losing his wife to spleen cancer and the intense reality of holding onto faith when life felt void of hope. Howard desperately wanted to help others with his story but unfortunately it didn’t sell well. Devastated and humbled, he started realizing the extent of the difficulty it takes to place Christian content into the hands of the suffering within the boundaries of the United States. If that reality exists in the U.S., how do people in more rural parts of other countries get resources?

            That same year Howard excitedly began preparing to start his Ph.D. The summer before classes began, Fran’s adventurous spirit led her to miscalculate a risk while hiking in the mountains of Colorado. She shattered her ankle boulder hopping, which required surgery followed by months of recovery. Fran needed more care than Howard cared to give. He withdrew from his program, and once again found himself at a loss. How would he minister to others if he couldn’t teach? He felt as if his dream was crushed along with Fran’s ankle.


            Over the next year Howard and Fran began brainstorming. Howard brought ideas to Fran and she helped him think through them realistically, narrowing down the achievable. If Howard found it difficult to finish his biblical education in the U.S., how much harder must pastors around the world find it to receive biblical training at all? Would it not answer their prayers to receive biblical and pastoral training in their own language? What would it take to provide that answer? 

In 2014 the couple launched Authenticity Book House (ABH), finally breaking into the world of ministry through publishing. ABH desired to provide easier publication for authors with important messages. ABH also desired to place biblical resources into the hands of those in ministry around the world.

Fran originally agreed to work on the ABH project for sixteen hours a week. It quickly became clear that she was the lady God had put in charge so they agreed she should take the title of president. ABH has gone through many phases while finding the niche where they were most needed. Now re-launching, ABH focuses on accessibility. Using volunteers and employees, ABH strives to provide content in as many languages as possible. Simplified Biblical Training in Bite-sized Books is the mission. They want people from all walks of life to learn from their materials—both educating the mind and healing the soul. ABH hopes to see people learn from the materials and then teach others what they learn.

            In addition to books, ABH added Bible study guides and notes to the website. They are available as free downloadable pdfs. The aim? Making scripture more understandable. To continue serving authors as well, writers who publish with ABH and/or teachers who contribute study materials are not under an exclusive contract with ABH. They retain copyrights to their own material.


            Although Howard and Fran didn’t see this version of ministry for themselves in the beginning, every “no” that discouraged them ended up leading them exactly where they wanted to go. Fran, who yearned to write for years, published her book Widowed: When Death Sucks the Life out of You to provide comfort and hope to those who grieve. Her passion for those in pain offers her opportunities to comfort men and women in multiple countries. This passion also led her to work on a new book about biblical suffering.

            Howard doesn’t stand in front of a college classroom like he originally dreamed. Instead, he began a small unaccredited Bible institute in conjunction with his church. His passion to teach others how to study and teach scripture became a reality. Eventually, his content from these classes will appear in book format. They will also be made available for purchase or as a free download on the ABH website. Some of his notes on other topics are already available. His love for organization makes these easy to understand with color coding and charts.

            Together Howard and Fran encourage their writers to tackle the difficult topics that people experience on a daily basis. They work to destroy cliché answers to the authentic tragedies in life.

             Howard and Fran Joslin spent many years deep in heartache wondering what God could possibly be doing. Finally, it became clear: he was transforming them into exactly what he needed to show others his glory. God used books to develop and encourage them. He now wants them to provide books to develop and encourage others.


ABH is always looking for volunteer writers, editors and translators. If you feel led to contribute your gifts to help the ministry, contact us at

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