Shepherding God’s Church

“Immanuel touched the pages of his Bible with new respect.
More than ever, he thirsted to fully understand the words of this book.”

by Fran Geiger Joslin

“God is calling you,” urged the older men in the church. Immanuel’s “anxieties rose.” In response to the statement by the older men, his mind filled with doubt and questions. How on earth was he to take over as pastor of his church? He was far too young!

When the missionary came to visit his town, Immanuel saw his need for a savior, and asked Jesus to change him. He began meeting with his pastor every week to study God’s Word with other young people. Then he began visiting the sick and needy alongside his pastor. The next thing he knew, he found himself helping in the church service on Sunday mornings. He loved spending time with his pastor in this way—until everything changed.

Immanuel’s pastor suddenly fell sick and died. Immanuel felt lost. His friend and mentor left him stranded and now the elders of the church want him to take over as pastor! What was he going to do?

Shepherding God’s Church by Jeff VanGoethem chronicles Immanuel’s progression from new believer to disciple, and then to pastor. Like so many pastors in his culture, Immanuel quit going to school at age thirteen. His father needed help tending their animals. Although he loved to learn, he experienced few opportunities to do so.

When the visiting bishop of his church encouraged him to become pastor, he also informed Immanuel that he could learn more in a nearby town. Immanuel attends a class once a week where he learns from the book of Acts about elders, overseers, and shepherds. Additional classes include lessons on devotion to God through prayer and Bible study, as well as what kind of character a pastor should possess.

A good read for anyone wanting to understand the role of a pastor and/or leaders in a church, this book targets rural pastors with minimal opportunity for biblical education. It is literally a first step in understanding pastoral leadership. You will learn along with young Immanuel what it looks like to serve the Lord in ministry.

Author, Jeff VanGoethem, graduated from Dallas Theological Seminary with a ThM degree and later a DMin degree. His continuing forty-year ministry focuses on pastoral work and teaching. During frequent short-term mission trips to East Africa he trains and mentors pastors and church leaders. A former pastor of Scofield Church in Dallas, TX, Dr. VanGoethm serves in his “semi-retirement” as Pastor of Spiritual Development and Missions at East White Oak Bible Church in Carlock, IL.

Pastor Jeff feels passionate about helping young pastors grow in their roles and in their walk with God. He wrote Shepherding God’s Church in story form, as many pastors he mentors come from story-rich cultures.

Pray for Pastor Jeff to find the time in semi-retirement to complete more books in this series. They are desperately needed.

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