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More Than We Can Handle
by Nicole Geiger Prayer takes place daily at ABH where we regularly ask for expansion. Sometimes it feels as if we move too slowly, receive little support, and come to work with next to no motivation....
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Shepherding God's Church
“Immanuel touched the pages of his Bible with new respect. More than ever, he thirsted to fully understand the words of this book.” by Fran Geiger Joslin “God is calling you,” urged the older...
When Writing Feels Hard, Keep Writing
by Erin Ensinger As a seven-year-old, I donned a pair of lens-less sunglasses rummaged from a box of cast-off clothing. Those glasses worked like a magic charm. I put pen to wide-ruled notebook paper...
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I Choose ABH
by Nicole Geiger As I grew up, I always felt very proud of my mother for starting Authenticity Book House. I watched her suffer the loss of my father, fall in love several years later, then write a book...